
Downloadable GreaseShield Product Range Documentation

Click the provided link to access information that includes essential technical specifications for our innovative products. Within this document, you’ll find links to EPAS Ltd Certification, GreaseShield® Certification, Brochure, Technical Specification, Installation Guide, Component Diagrams, Operations Guide, AutoCAD Drawings, 3D Revit Drawings, Daily Maintenance procedures, Best Management Practices, and convenient Daily Maintenance Record.

Simply click on the designated icon to initiate the download and gain access to all resources.

About GreaseShield

GreaseShield® separates and removes food solids and fats, oils and greases. GreaseShield prevents blockages in drains and protects pumping stations whilst significantly reducing the loading on wastewater treatment plants. The recurring need to pump grease traps and refill with clean water is eliminated as is the use of biological agents, enzymes, and chemicals. Frequent pumping costs are eliminated.

How does the GreaseShield® work?
The GreaseShield® is a pro-active mechanical grease trap that operates in real time removing food waste and FOGs. It uses a patented design of cooperating baffles, including a magnetic baffle that encourages in-situ bioremediation without the need for additives, a reverse flow configuration, and recirculation of grey water plus recycling of waste thermal energy to remove FOGs before they solidify.

The GreaseShield® also removes and dewaters solid food waste by means of a PreFilter or FilterShield to prevent anaerobic foul-smelling conditions brought about by biological activity, depleting the dissolved oxygen present in the effluent. The GreaseShield® does not require any frequent pumping or chemical dosing, nor does it use a heating element like other automatic type units that are expensive to run and are a potential fire risk.

GreaseShield® Benefits

Operational Benefits

  • The best grease removal unit in the world!
  • Superior food waste and fats, oils, and grease removal.
  • Eliminates recurring drain blockages caused by FOG.
  • Prevents kitchen downtime due to blocked drainage.
  • Automatic grease separation including emulsified animal fat.
  • No heating elements – no risk of fire.
  • User-Friendly, no need to access the internal of the GreaseShield.
  • No silt valve – preventing discharge of FOG to the drain line.
  • Operating hours of each kitchen.

    Environmental Benefits

    • Protects the environment from FOG pollution.
    • Eco-Certified – uses the least amount of energy in its class
    • Protects the drainage network from recurring FOG blockages
    • Harvests a source of renewable energy
    • Reduces Carbon footprint.

      Financial Benefits

      • Eco-Certified – lowest energy consumption
      • Cost savings by eliminating frequent;
      1. Pumping costs.
      2. Grease trap emptying.
      3. No requirements to purchase enzymes or bio-additives.
      4. Saves money on recurring drain line cleaning.
      5. Operational interruptions caused by drain blockages.

      GreaseShield® Power Consumption

      The power consumption of the GreaseShield®
      The GreaseShield® has the lowest power consumption of all automatic grease trap/interceptors, typically as low as 16w per hour, and is also the only grease trap/interceptor in the world that is certified Eco Green by Green Tag Global (Level A Rating) This is due to GreaseShield® being the world’s first proactive unit that actively works when your kitchen is working to remove fats, oils, and grease in real-time, without the use of heating elements. The GreaseShield® utilises waste thermal energy present in the effluent to remove FOGs before they get a chance to solidify.

      To view certifications please Click the following Link: Certifications

      Running Cost Comparison based on like for like operating 19.5 hours per day
      ModelCost per KwCost Per HourCost Per DayCost Per WeekCost Per MonthCost Per Year5 year Running CostKw Consumption per hour
      Grease Guardian£0.34£0.34£6.63£46.41£198.90£2,419.95£12,099.751
      Big Dipper£0.34£0.51£9.95£69.62£298.35£3,629.93£18,149.631.5
      FatStrippa / Gosyln£0.34£0.51£9.95£69.62£298.35£3,629.93£18,149.631.5
      Grease Release£0.34£0.51£9.95£69.62£298.35£3,629.93£18,149.631.5
      Grease Beta£0.34£0.34£6.63£46.41£198.90£2,419.95£12,099.751
      Pureen Power£0.34£0.34£6.63£46.41£198.90£2,419.95£12,099.751

      Energy Consumption Fire Risk

      Average Annual Energy Cost Per Year

      The energy consumption of the Greaseshield is the lowest in its class. Compared to competitor grease removal systems that use heating elements within them.

      The heating elements are not only very expensive to run and maintain but can also cause a fire risk within the kitchen. Heating elements that come into contact with fats oils and grease will begin to cook the grease and eventually catch fire as seen in the image below.

      Energy Comparison – kWh / CO2 Production Per Year

      Grease Guardian7117.51886.138
      Grease Beta7117.51886.138
      Pureen Power7117.51886.138
      Grease Release10676.252829.206
      Big Dipper10676.252829.206
      FatStrippa / Gosyln

      kWh Comparison Per Year

      CO2 Production Comparison Per Year

      Keep FOGs Out Of The Drainage System


      Not all drain blockages are caused by fats, oils, and grease. Food waste that is discharging from food preparation sinks,  potato peelers coffee machines, etc., are all causing blockages and drain cleaning costs. Remove the solids at the source and don’t give them a chance to block your drains!


      The cooking process is one of the highest fats, oils, and grease contamination points that needs protecting. FOGs that are permitted to enter the drain from Convection ovens,  Combi ovens, Multisserie/ Rotisserie ovens, and Wok cooking stations will cause drain blockages. Protect at source and remove fats, oils, grease, and food waste before they get a chance to cost you money!


      The cleaning process within a kitchen is one of the highest fats, oils, grease & food waste contributors. From various types of pot wash &  pre-rinse sinks to dishwashers, pot wash machines, and utensil washers they are all discharging high volumes of fats, oils, grease, and food waste to the drain that will lead to expensive drain cleaning costs. Protect at source and remove fats, oils, grease, and food waste before they get a chance to cost you money!

      Contamination Points